What’s New in Garage Door Materials, Designs and Trends?

Posted on March 19, 2012 By BA Staff

Whether you’re remodeling your San Francisco kitchen or Bay Area bathroom– or your teenager accidentally backed out of the garage without opening the door and dented your Beamer something fierce – you’d like a summary of the latest, greatest news in garage door materials, designs, trends, and resale value.

3 Sound Reasons to Remodel Your Kitchen NOW

Posted on January 23, 2012 By BA Staff

You feel a primordial urge to remodel the kitchen in your Bay Area home, condo, or apartment. Perhaps you’re just sick of the sticky cabinet drawers, dreary Feng Shui, poor layout, and ancient appliances. Perhaps you’re considering a larger remodeling job, and you realize that “doing the kitchen” transforms your home into a far more valuable asset. Perhaps you’re just facing pressure from your spouse to “make the place look nice” so that it’s less of an embarrassment when guests or in-laws visit.

Cutting-Edge Kitchen Design Trends for 2012: A Return to Simplicity; “Green Power”; and Spaciousness

Posted on January 10, 2012 By BA Staff

Perhaps you’re remodeling your condo’s kitchen, and you crave cutting-edge tips from the pros about how to reshape your aesthetic or save money/time/energy on your project. Or maybe you’re building a new home from scratch, and you’d like to stay innovative and energy-efficient. In either case, consider these breaking trends for 2012 kitchen design:

Wood Decking Vs. Composite Decking

Posted on July 25, 2011 By BA Staff

Maybe you and your spouse have finally elected to tackle the “big remodeling project” you’ve had on your to-do list for who knows how long. Or maybe you’re “biting the bullet” and renovating your Bay Area condominium in preparation for selling it in a year or two. In any event, you face many aesthetic and logistical challenges and choices ahead. And it’s the “little details” that often make construction or remodeling so difficult.
If you’re working on a new deck, for instance, you have to choose a material. Should you choose wood, a wood polymer composite (synthetic decking), or some other material (e.g. plastic)?

Remodeling your Bath? Make Room for These Four Essential Elements!

Posted on June 10, 2011 By BA Staff

Whether you’re renovating a condominium, building a new home from scratch, or simply modernizing a cramped, outmoded bathroom, here are four crucial elements to meet and exceed your needs for comfort, cleanliness, relaxation, and environmental efficiency.

4 Must Read Tips on Choosing the Right Kitchen Cabinets When Remodeling

Posted on May 9, 2011 By BA Staff

Whether you’re revamping a corporate kitchen, building a new mansion in the Bay Area, or simply upgrading a cramped and dysfunctional kitchen so you can actually use it (without wrenching your back or clanging around for 10 minutes to locate the sauté pan you need), review these tips on selecting the right cabinetry… before you get to work.

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