Maybe you and your spouse have finally elected to tackle the “big remodeling project” you’ve had on your to-do list for who knows how long. Or maybe you’re “biting the bullet” and renovating your Bay Area condominium in preparation for selling it in a year or two. In any event, you face many aesthetic and logistical challenges and choices ahead. And it’s the “little details” that often make construction or remodeling so difficult.
If you’re working on a new deck, for instance, you have to choose a material. Should you choose wood, a wood polymer composite (synthetic decking), or some other material (e.g. plastic)?
AC Not Working? It May be Time to Call a Pro… But Try These Five Tips First!
The Bay Area fortunately does not get as hot and steamy as other, more scalding parts of California, such as Death Valley or the “Southland” of L.A. and San Diego. But it can get quite uncomfortable – particularly if your air-conditioner brakes or malfunctions during a heatwave. If you are not technically inclined, your first instinct might be to grab a phone and call a pro to service your unit. But before you hop on that line and waste time (and money) getting professional help, ask yourself the following 5 questions: