Property maintenance is a big part of our business, to help our customers we put together a quick guide to aide in monitoring the condition of water heaters.
Commercial Property HVAC Maintenance Considerations and Factors
Bay Area Commercial HVAC projects are typically planned out far in advance due to their cost and the inconvenience of down time for tenants. Planning a major repair or replacement of commercial air conditioning units requires research and vetting of options.
Top Ten Essential Skills for Homeowners
Homeowners don’t need to be a building contractor to fix things around your home! Learn how to be a jacks-of-all trades to stay on top of household problems:
AC Not Working? It May be Time to Call a Pro… But Try These Five Tips First!
The Bay Area fortunately does not get as hot and steamy as other, more scalding parts of California, such as Death Valley or the “Southland” of L.A. and San Diego. But it can get quite uncomfortable – particularly if your air-conditioner brakes or malfunctions during a heatwave. If you are not technically inclined, your first instinct might be to grab a phone and call a pro to service your unit. But before you hop on that line and waste time (and money) getting professional help, ask yourself the following 5 questions:
Is it time for a new a/c? What to consider.
As spring heats up into summer, Americans all over the country over will take to their annual pilgrimage to utility supply stores to buy new air conditioning units. When it is appropriate to get a new A/C? Should you repair or clean your old one, instead? What will the investment cost, and will it be worth it? How can you calculate the best unit for your budget? And where can you find an authorized dealer who has excellent consumer ratings and good reviews from places like the Better Business Bureau?
Crucial Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe and Up To Grade
Homeowners and property owners often only pay attention to the structural components of a building if and when they fail. Unfortunately, many — if not most — problems with structural components like doors, windows, and walls can be fixed at a fraction of the cost of replacement, if you notice them early enough. This essay will briefly explore the science of “wall maintenance” and help you nip potential structural damage in the bud.
Spring Is In the Air: Why to Get Your A/C Serviced ASAP
Most homeowners take their HVAC and air conditioning equipment for granted. Truth be told, modern, sophisticated heating pumps and A/C unit can robustly withstand a lot and keep their efficiency. But even the best machines out there will degrade. An average A/C unit, for instance, might lose five percent of its capacity annually. Thus, say you built your home with a 14 SEER unit A/C several years ago. Today, that unit might only function at 10 SEER capacity.