The current refrigerant that your HVAC system uses may have a bad environmental impact. And if you want to cut costs (and who doesn’t, these days?), you need high quality refrigerants.
Windows of the Near, Possibly Very Near, Future: Smart Windows
Basically, engineers have developed nanocrystal-powered technology to change windows’ insulation capabilities.
Air Quality in Your Home: How to Maintain It, How to Make It Better
The air we breathe plays a vital a role in shaping our health, well-being, attitude and capacity to function effectively. When air quality in a home degrades, enormous health problems can arise, including emphysema, asthma, bronchial conditions, etc.
Keep your home warm and safe this winter.
Burrr. It was feeling pretty chilly this morning in Castro Valley, CA. We all want to keep our homes warm, cozy and safe this winter.
How to Calibrate Central Heat/Air So That All Rooms Are at a Desired Temperature
It’s the holy grail of homeowners – particularly during chilly winter days and sultry summer afternoons: getting all of the rooms in your home (or condo or office) to be the same temperature.
How to Check Your Hot Water Heater
To test your hot water heater — make sure it’s working right and replace components if it’s not (or call an professional to help you) — here is a handy primer.
Don’t Get Zapped! Key Safety Precautions When Working with Electricity
Electricity is no joke. Here are some tips to ensure you do not get zapped while working on a home project.
AC Not Working? It May be Time to Call a Pro… But Try These Five Tips First!
The Bay Area fortunately does not get as hot and steamy as other, more scalding parts of California, such as Death Valley or the “Southland” of L.A. and San Diego. But it can get quite uncomfortable – particularly if your air-conditioner brakes or malfunctions during a heatwave. If you are not technically inclined, your first instinct might be to grab a phone and call a pro to service your unit. But before you hop on that line and waste time (and money) getting professional help, ask yourself the following 5 questions:
Air Duct Preventive Maintenance
Whether you run a restaurant, and you need clean air ducts to transport away dust-and-grease filled air and return clean air from an outside source; or you’re a homeowner or landlord who wants a deeper understanding of how to do building maintenance the right way, here are some tips on how to maintain clean and working air ducts – without busting your budget.
Spring Is In the Air: Why to Get Your A/C Serviced ASAP
Most homeowners take their HVAC and air conditioning equipment for granted. Truth be told, modern, sophisticated heating pumps and A/C unit can robustly withstand a lot and keep their efficiency. But even the best machines out there will degrade. An average A/C unit, for instance, might lose five percent of its capacity annually. Thus, say you built your home with a 14 SEER unit A/C several years ago. Today, that unit might only function at 10 SEER capacity.