Whether you’re remodeling the kitchen in your high styling Castro Valley condominium or gutting and rebuilding a guest chateau in Wine Country, give some to consideration to investing in walk-in showers.
3 Simple Strategies to Green Your Home
You want to “do your part” to conserve resources, protect the environment, and generally respect the planet. One way to do that is to “green” your home – that is, to make it environmentally friendly.
8 Hot New Remodeling Trends for 2012 in the Bay Area
2012 Bay Area remodeling season is upon us. Whether you’ve already decided on the scope and depth of your project, or you are still recovering from your wild New Year’s eve party and only now getting around to your to-do list for 2012, here are eight hot trends in home remodeling.
3 Sound Reasons to Remodel Your Kitchen NOW
You feel a primordial urge to remodel the kitchen in your Bay Area home, condo, or apartment. Perhaps you’re just sick of the sticky cabinet drawers, dreary Feng Shui, poor layout, and ancient appliances. Perhaps you’re considering a larger remodeling job, and you realize that “doing the kitchen” transforms your home into a far more valuable asset. Perhaps you’re just facing pressure from your spouse to “make the place look nice” so that it’s less of an embarrassment when guests or in-laws visit.
Remodeling your Bath? Make Room for These Four Essential Elements!
Whether you’re renovating a condominium, building a new home from scratch, or simply modernizing a cramped, outmoded bathroom, here are four crucial elements to meet and exceed your needs for comfort, cleanliness, relaxation, and environmental efficiency.
Three Helpful Home Improvement Apps
Whether you’re about to commence a complex “DIY” project that will likely take many months and potentially involve significant, elaborate planning; or you’re in the middle of a quick job that should only take another few hours, here are three cool apps to help you get your work done faster, easier, and more cost effectively.
Is it time for a new a/c? What to consider.
As spring heats up into summer, Americans all over the country over will take to their annual pilgrimage to utility supply stores to buy new air conditioning units. When it is appropriate to get a new A/C? Should you repair or clean your old one, instead? What will the investment cost, and will it be worth it? How can you calculate the best unit for your budget? And where can you find an authorized dealer who has excellent consumer ratings and good reviews from places like the Better Business Bureau?
Crucial Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe and Up To Grade
Homeowners and property owners often only pay attention to the structural components of a building if and when they fail. Unfortunately, many — if not most — problems with structural components like doors, windows, and walls can be fixed at a fraction of the cost of replacement, if you notice them early enough. This essay will briefly explore the science of “wall maintenance” and help you nip potential structural damage in the bud.
Remodeling Your House vs. Building or Moving: What Choice is Right for You?
Here’s our quick and objective guide to help you determine whether to remodel your house, build a new home, or simply move.