Bay Area HVAC Specialists Explain Their Tips
The choice of whether to repair or replace an HVAC system has many financial ramifications. In this article, you’ll learn some of the considerations we advise our East Bay HVAC customers to keep in mind as they weigh the options of repair and replacement.
Air Conditioning Systems’ Life Span
Air conditioning systems can easily last 15 years, and proper maintenance can extend their life spans to 20 years or more. However, over time, certain parts will wear out and fail more frequently. As that happens, the question of whether to continue repairing or replace the system outright will become more important. Certain questions can help you make that choice.
How Much Is the Repair versus a Replacement?
Some components cost more to fix than others. For instance, a compressor problem may cost $2,000 or more to fix with a new part, but smaller components may cost in the realm of several hundred dollars, a much lower price point. If a relatively low-cost repair will deliver years of additional service, this may be the way to go. On the flip side, a particularly involved repair job may be less practical than a replacement, which may come in a somewhat higher price but could solve several issues at once.
Does the Unit Usually Perform Well?
If your unit usually performs well, and will continue doing so with a simple repair, then it makes no sense to go all out on a replacement. However, if you’ve noticed problems like excessive noise, performance issues, or a higher-than-usual utility bill, then your air conditioner may be facing age-related problems that repairs can stall but not stop. Consider consulting with a Bay Area HVAC professional to see whether or not they think the unit is worth repairing.
Will You Be in the Home for Long?
If you have a move coming up, then a replacement may not make sense: You won’t be around long enough to gain full enjoyment from the new air conditioning unit. Simply repairing the unit to a condition that is acceptable to buyers likely makes more sense. But if the air conditioner is in your long-term home, that adds to the case for buying a new unit.
Contact the Best East Bay HVAC Contractor for Help
If you’re still pondering whether to repair or replace, advice from a professional Castro Valley air conditioning company is easy to find: Contact BA Morrison here anytime!