How To Improve Your Home Garden in 2019
As spring quickly approaches, thoughts turn to cleaning and organizational tasks. As you contemplate facets of your home that you want to improve, why not consider beautifying your garden area as well? Here are some practical suggestions on renovations you can make to add vitality and joy to your garden.
Prepare a Plan
Any significant new creative project begins with a plan. Take a close look at your garden area and decide what works well and what needs improvement. You may need to merely make a few adjustments, or you may desire to start from scratch. Design your own garden area from the ground up, or call in a Bay Area general contractor to assist you with some planning ideas.
Conserve Water
If you’ve been profligate with your water usage, resolve to be more sparing with this precious resource. Using local plants in your arrangements helps ensure that they won’t guzzle inordinate amounts of water. Another key is choosing the proper mulch, which filters water and then locks it into the soil. Go the organic route by creating your own compost. This is a fairly simple process of collecting ingredients such as yard waste, coffee grounds, egg shells, and fruit and vegetable peels and allowing them to decompose into rich nutritious plant-friendly material. If you live in an area with plenty of humidity, collect rainwater into barrels to water your plants.
Keep Pests Away
It’s natural for insects, weeds, and other pests to attempt to invade your garden, but this year resolve to take action to keep them away. Take a close look at what pests afflict your particular patch of beauty. If cats, rabbits, deer, or other mammals are at fault, you may need to construct a fence or put up some sort of netting. However, if you have problems with insects or diseases, do some research to come up with the right answer. The solution may lie in increasing your garden’s resilience by adding some pest-resistant plants.
Try Something New
Perhaps your garden basics are already in place. If so, challenge yourself by resolving to take on and complete a project that will improve the garden’s ambiance. This may involve constructing a broken brick patio, building a trellis, or putting in an organic vegetable garden. Besides being Bay Area heating experts, BA Morrison can help you with ideas for innovative garden projects.
Contact B.A. Morrison For Any Other Home Maintenance Needs
Once you’ve fulfilled your resolutions and created a mini-paradise in your garden area, be sure to spend plenty of time out there with your family and friends. BA Morrison is a Bay Area air conditioning company that also specializes in home renovation. Be sure to get in touch for a FREE QUOTE for any construction or remodeling needs. Call to discuss with our contractors your home renovation today at 510-538-9817.