Here are a Few Ways to Save Money on Your Bills this Summer
While you might not want to go without your air conditioning system this summer, you may certainly minimize its overall usage. Power bills during the hottest season can be a significant budget buster, so the best time to plan your strategy is now. By lowering your energy costs throughout the season, you may be able to prevent an emergency visit from your local HVAC expert. Try the following ways to save money on your bills this summer.
Seal Everything Properly
Unless your home is newly constructed, it is probably leaking in various places. That means your conditioned air is making its way outdoors. Hire a contractor to perform an audit of your property, so you know where it needs to be sealed. If your budget is too tight to allow for such an audit this year, you can check for leaks yourself. Stand at the exterior of your home, and see if you can feel air leaking from indoors. If you run your hand along the windows and doors and can feel cold air, it is likely time to install insulation, weather stripping, or caulk.
Dress Up the Windows
Once you have sealed the house, you still need to ensure that your windows are properly dressed. Consider using solar screens, which can stop up to 70 percent of solar heat from invading your home. Also, close the blinds or curtains during the hottest time of the day, which is generally from late afternoon through mid-evening.
Relocate the Thermostat of Your HVAC System
Be sure that your thermostat is not positioned in the wrong place. It shouldn’t be located next to a window, and it should also be kept away from hot appliances, such as a clothes dryer. If it is placed in the wrong area, your air conditioner could come on more often than necessary, so it is worth the time and effort to find an optimal home for the thermostat.
Utilize Fans to Keep Your Air Conditioning Bills Down
Using fans can help to cut down on how often your AC unit is active. Install ceiling fans in rooms that get a lot of use. You may also want to rely on box fans or tabletop fans to ease the stress on your air conditioning system.
Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement
Always schedule an annual visit from a trusted East Bay air conditioning company. Routine maintenance is essential to the health of your HVAC system. Have the unit repaired as needed, and consider a replacement if your HVAC tech recommends it. Doing so could ultimately spare you from much expense.
Call us for your Bay Area HVAC services and Bay Area air conditioning repair!
If your air conditioning does not seem to be performing well, please give us a call today. BA Morrison is a Bay Area HVAC company you can trust, and we are happy to inspect your equipment.