Common East Bay Heating Drawbacks

In cold weather climates, a general contractor may suggest an HVAC system for new construction projects. However, many older homes have wall and baseboard heaters. Wall and baseboard heaters can be practical in smaller spaces, but they come with several drawbacks.
Electric wall heaters contain few parts, but any of these can malfunction and create urgent and annoying home climate challenges. The heating elements may burn during regular usage, which can cause the heater to stop working. The thermostat, which regulates the heater’s output, may also fail. A malfunctioning on/off switch is a third common culprit of wall heater malfunctions.
Gas wall heaters run the risk of releasing excessive amounts of poisonous carbon monoxide. A dirty filter can lead to carbon monoxide production; carbon monoxide detectors can protect residents from accidental exposure to dangerous levels of this gas.
Wall furnaces also produce condensation; the combination of carbon dioxide with water vapor can produce scales of rust on the surface of the furnace. These scales can slough off the furnace and land on the burners. This in turn can block gas flow and prevent the furnace from heating correctly. The scales can also trap water underneath them, which spreads rust more quickly.
Contact Us Today for Your Home Heating System Needs
An HVAC contractor can prevent or repair many of these pitfalls. Call BA Morrison today at 510-538-9817 for more information or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation about your repair needs.